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Information on Silviu Brucan b. 1916, d. 2006; Married Alexandra Sidorovici; General prosecutor in the postwar trial of the Romanian war criminals. With his wife, a member of the Communist Antifascist Resistance movement in Romania. After the WW II, he was deputy editor in chief of Scinteia, newspaper of the Romanian Communist Party. He was the first Romanian ambassador to the U.S. and the U.N. in the 1950s. In the early 1960s, he was first director of Romanian television. A political scientist, in 1987 he became an opponent of the Ceaucescu regime. In 1987 he protested against the repression by the government against the workers strike in Brasov. In 1989, with U.S., British, and Soviet support, he published the "Letter of the Six." (Six former high-ranking Romanian Communist Party leaders). On 22 Dec 1989 he became a high-ranking official of the first Romanian post-Communist regime, having been directly involved in the execution of Ceaucescu and his wife, and in the arrest.


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