Zalau (Romania)



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Zalau (Romania)

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Zalau (Romania)

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Zalau (Romania)

1 Archival description results for Zalau (Romania)

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Selected records of the Cluj Branch of the Romanian National Archives

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/2
  • Record group
  • 1934 - 1952

Includes selected fragments of transcripts from war crimes trials held in Cluj, Romania, from 1944 to 1945, documents from the Inspectoratul de jandarmi, Inspectoratul de politie (including police reports from Cluj, Turda, Abrud, Aiud, Dej, Huedin, Zalau, Alba Iulia), and Parchetul General, Prefuctura judetului, Tinutul, Parchetul General Maghiar, and Pretura plasii Cluj, and a few documents from the Prefectura judetului Somes and the Jandarmeria judetului Turda. Most are status reports, requests, transcripts of trials, and police/gendarmes reports on everything from Zionist and Legionary movements to Hungarian irredentism.

Arhivele Naţionale ale României