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Selected records from the Romanian Information Service

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/14
  • Regroupement de documents
  • 1936 - 1948

Reports, lists, orders, correspondence, court documents, and testimonies relating to the surveillance of Romanian Jews (including Chief Rabbi Moses David Rosen), Jewish organizations, foreigners in Romania, and members of the Iron Guard (Garde de Fier) by the Serviciul Special de Informatii and other agencies; the special taxes, forced labor, and morale of Jews; the establishment of the Czernowitz (Chernivt︠s︡i) ghetto; the deportation of Jews from Transylvania and other locations to Transnistria (Ukraine); the emigration of Jews from Romania to Palestine; Romanian Jews in concentration camps; massacres and pogroms carried out in Romania; the activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of other humanitarian agencies; war crime investigations; war crime trials of Ion Antonescu and others; and the surveillance of Zionists and other illegal Jewish organizations. Also contains information on Jews, includes card files, registration forms, and cards with the identification data for Jews. Some documents have photos of the individuals. Additional records accreted in 2007 contains the SRI's personal file on Silviu Brucan, who was a political scientist and Romanian government official. Formerly a deputy editor of the newspaper of the Romanian communist party, in 1987 he became an opponent of the Ceaucescu regime. Records accreted in 2015 contains: Interrogations of SSI leaders (Fond Penal): Eugen Cristescu (SRI FP/Bucuresti 48163-4 volumes); Gheorghe Cristescu (SRI FP/Bucuresti 17474-3 volumes)-Iasi pogrom, photos of pogrom, history of SgkSI, Iron Guards, Antonescu Ion Lissievici (SRI FP/Bucuresti 25374-36 volumes)-SSI, pogrom Iasi, SSI and Eastern Front.

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Selected records from the collection Ministry of the Interior (Miscellaneous)

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/18
  • Regroupement de documents
  • 1910 - 1957

Contains police reports from various areas of Romania, as well as letters and complaints to local police, newspaper clippings, tables, telegrams, situation reports and correspondence. Documents relate to the activities and leaders of many political parties or movementsm including: Iron Guard; Agrarian Union Party; National Christian Party; Peasant Party; Everything for the Fatherland Party; and The National Front of Rebirth. Some police reports relate to activities of student organizations and movements, including Hitler Jugend, cultural organizations, and Association of Jewish Women. Other topics include: religious sects; relations with USSR; Bulgarian irredentists; relations between the Army and the population; Jewish leader Filderman; surveillance of foreigners from Germany and Hungary who applied for citizenship; diplomatic relations with other countries; abuses against Jews; references to the "Jewish problem;" occupation of Bessarabia by USSR and of Transylvania by Hungary; and postwar reports on Legionnaires who emigrated.

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