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Records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Serviciul Special de Informaţii (Romanian Special Information Service)

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/25
  • Record group
  • 1920 - 1949

This collection contains reports on surveillance by the secret police, Serviciul Special de Informaţii, concerning Romanian Jewish organizations and reports on Jewish leadership, as well as antisemitic organizations and publications, the wartime repression of Jews, and the wartime "aryanization" (confiscation) of Jewish property.

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Stalinist trials of the Romanian Zionists

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/8
  • Record group
  • 20th century

Contains records related to the Stalinist trials of Romanian Zionists. Contains information on Zionist leaders who were under the Securitatea's investigation and the Stalinist trial of Avram Leiba Zissu and Misu Benevenisti. Also includes data relating to the activities of the Centrala Evreilor (Romanian Judenrat) and to World War II and post-war Jewish emigration.

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Selected records from Ministerul de Razboi, Cabinetul Ministrului

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/20
  • Record group
  • 1940 - 1942

Contains records concerning the policies of local offices on Jewish matters, including records relating to movements of the Third and Fourth Armies, antisemitism, and Jewish forced labor. Also contains list of Jews from Neant forced labor camp, and records from Vspnisska camp.

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Selected records relating to the Holocaust in Romania

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/7
  • Record group
  • 20th century

Contains records of the Federation of Union of Jewish Communities and the O.S.E. Bucharest branch relating to its relief and aid activities for Jews who were deported to Transnistria and those in Greater Romania. Also contains name lists of Jews originally from Transylvania and interned to the USSR, lists of orphaned children and the victims of the Iasi pogrom, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) in Romania information forms on families in Vaslui, Iasi and Burdeni, registration cards of deportees, newspaper clippings, album and documents containing photographs of Pogrom of Bucharest, registration cards of deportees, as well as records relating to forced labor, social assistance, and anti-Jewish measures.

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"Viata Evreilor din Bucuresti," by Eliza Campus

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-10-16/0
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 20th century

Consists of an article entitled “The Life of the Jews in Bucharest, 1940–1944,” which contains information about Jewish schools, Jewish emigration, antisemitism, and Zionist activities undertaken by the Jews of Bucharest. Included is an excerpt of this history that was printed in Revista Istorica, nr. 3–4, 1992.

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Romanian forced labor camps

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/24
  • Record group
  • 1942 - 1943

Contains orders and instructions concerning the forced labor of Jews, inspection and screening of Jews for work, medical assistance for Jews, name lists of Jews, and miscellaneous correspondence regarding forced labor, food, equipment and housing. Documents range in date from November 3, 1942 to April 2, 1942.

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Selected records from the collections of the Vaslui branch of the Romanian National Archive

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/16
  • Unidad documental simple
  • 1940 - 1953

Contains records concerning Jewish matters and the policy of local offices toward Jewish questions, including selected records from the mayors' offices of Vaslui and Bŕlad; the prefecture of Vaslui district; the police headquarters of Vaslui and of Bŕlad; the gendarmerie of Vaslui; the Tutova district office of the Centrala Evreilor; and the Jewish Community in Bŕlad. Also included are postwar records of the Jewish Democratic Committees of Vaslui and Bŕlad.

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Selected records of the Chancery, the Economic Section, and the Foreign Relations Sections of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/10
  • Record group
  • 1948 - 1958

Records of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party related to the emigration to Israel, the World Jewish Congress international meeting in Montreux, Switzerland; economic relations with Israel, and to the American Jewish Committee and Jewish Democratic Committee in Bucharest. The collection includes correspondence, protocols, minutes, and statistics of Jewish population and other documents related to Jewish question. This collection includes also 2 files relating to the arrest of young Jews involved in Jewish resistance against the Antonescu regime, 1942 (Fond 96, flies #655 & 664, paper copies).

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Resultados 11 a 20 de 29