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Only top-level descriptions Garda de Fier Jewish property--Romania.
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Selected records of the Prefecture of Police of the Capital (Bucharest) ( Fond 1695)

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/4
  • Record group
  • 1937 - 1947

Includes records related to the surveillance of Jews, Jewish organizations, and Jewish movements; temples and synagogues in Bucharest; Sephardic Jews; emigration of Jewish children to Palestine; anti-Jewish laws and their application; the forced labor of Jews in Bucharest and elsewhere; the confiscation of Jewish property including radios; the surveillance of Freemasons; the Iron Guard rebellion; Jews deported to Transnistria; internees from Targu Jiu, a camp for both Jewish and non-Jewish political prisoners in Romania proper; liberation from the camps; and other matters.

Arhivele Naţionale ale României

Selected records from Ministerul Economiei Naţionale

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/19
  • Record group
  • 1900 - 1952

Contains selected records from Ministry of National Economy. Records include following subjects: implementation of legislation regarding Jewish and non-Jewish staff of industries; expropriation of Jewish goods; the antisemitic polices of the Iron Guards; Iron Guard control of Jewish companies; surveillance of Jewish commerce; regulations concerning food packages sent to Jews in Transnistria; reports on Jewish commerce; forced labor of Jews in Ilia, in the Hunedoara district; aryanization of Jewish enterprises; memos of W. Filderman about the Jewish star (star of David); orders concerning forced labor of Jews; reports concerning confiscation of Jewish property in the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia" and in Slovakia; reports on the situation of Jews in Vaslui district; situation report on Jewish citizenship; confiscation of Jewish property, including abandoned commercial property and Jewish stores; and aryanization of personnel; regulations re Jewish-owned companies and confiscation ofJewish companies; ayranization of land; transfer of money to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; deliveries of goods and tools to Jews interned in camps in Transnistria; packages of food for the Jews working in forced labor in Transnistria; interdiction of commerce between Jews and peasants in Moldova; interdiction of participation of Jews in public auctions; illegal dealings in Suceava in goods formerly belonging to Jews; and commerce in Moghilev; disbanding of the government directorate of ayranization; table of Volksdeutsche arrested by Romanian soviet detachments and put to work at forced labor; and aid to 500 Jews from Northern Transylvania who were in Switzerland; reacceptance of Jewish employees into the Ministry of Public Works; help for 500 Jews originally from North Transylvania, now in Switzerland; confiscation of goods of ethnic Germans; liquidation of the center for Romanianization; annulment of the legislation which created the center for Romanianization; and the question of Jewish emigration to Palestine.

Arhivele Naţionale ale României