Dorohoi (Romania)



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Dorohoi (Romania)

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Dorohoi (Romania)

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Dorohoi (Romania)

2 Archivistische beschrijving results for Dorohoi (Romania)

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Selected records from the Romanian National Archives

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/11
  • Record group
  • 1939 - 1946

Contains reports, lists, memoranda, and other documents relating to the surveillance of Jewish communities in the Romanian provinces, Also contains records of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers dealing with the "Jewish problem."

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Selected records from the National Archives of Moldova

  • RO RO/INSHR-EW 2024-12-02/15
  • Record group
  • 1941 - 1944

Various documents relating to internment of Jews in several ghettos in Romania and Bessarabia; administration of the Chișinău ghetto (including census information); the ghetto in Bălți ; the ghetto in Soroca; activities of the police in the Chișinău ghetto; disposal of Jewish property; deportations of Jews from Bessarabia to Transnistria (Ukraine); and executions of Romanian Jews.

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